Where to Install Faux Wood Blinds in Your Home


Faux wood blinds are an ideal choice for home use because they are durable, stylish, and easy to install. Because of their universal design, they can seamlessly match your interiors for almost any room. Faux wood blinds are also great for homes in which family members, both young and old, reside. 


Read on to discover where to install faux wood blinds in your home.


In the Living Room


The living room is one of the “easier” places to choose blinds for because the blinds do not need to be watertight or block out outside light.


The capacity to filter light and change your vision of the outside world as well as the view that comes in from the outside comes into its own in a living room, which is a place in which you spend a substantial amount of time at various times of the day and for a variety of reasons.


The blackout capability of faux wood blinds may be useful for eliminating screen glare during daytime TV viewing or gaming, and their insulating properties are also advantageous; for the majority of us, the lounge is one of our larger rooms with larger or more windows than most other rooms, making it expensive or difficult to heat during the winter. Faux wood blinds’ blackout capabilities may be handy for reducing screen glare during daytime TV viewing or gaming.


In the Bedroom


When drawn, faux wood blinds provide exceptional insulation and totally darken the area. As a result, they are an excellent alternative for bedrooms. If you enjoy rising with the sun but don’t want to be blinded by it, changing the slats on your blinds can help.


It is also permitted to install faux wood blinds in places where both adults and children will be present. Faux wood blinds are highly durable, which means they can withstand an army of children armed with homemade weapons.


Furthermore, whether your child utilises crayons or watercolour paints to create artwork for the house, the faux wood blinds are simple to clean and wipe away. Cleaning the blinds will be difficult if your child uses an indelible marker pen or something else that won’t wash off; but, if your youngster isn’t afraid to use one of these pens, the damage to the blinds will usually just be a minor problem.


In the Home Office


Faux wood blinds can be an eye-catching addition to the living room or home office. Their light-blocking and privacy-enhancing properties are ideal for Zoom meetings as they minimise screen glare and prevent anyone from peering in from outside while yet allowing natural light in.


Home offices are often cooler, and you may choose not to heat them if you only use them occasionally. In this context, the insulating qualities of faux wood blinds are highlighted.


In The Kitchen


Faux wood blinds can, in fact, be used in the kitchen. The necessity that kitchen blinds be resistant to dampness, water splashes, and humidity excludes many potential applications.


Fats and oil particles emitted into the air when cooking eventually settle on kitchen curtains, acting as a magnet for filth. Faux wood blinds are watertight, do not require maintenance, and can be cleaned as needed.


In The Bathroom


Faux wood blinds are a great choice for bathrooms for the same reasons that they are great for kitchens. Although these characteristics are less relevant in kitchens, faux wood blinds are a good choice for bathrooms due to their higher insulating capacities and blackout effect.


As such, if you want to read in the tub, you may tilt the slats to keep away from the public’s eye view while still allowing natural light to flow through.




What we love the most about faux wood blinds is the fact that they are accessible, cost-effective, and appealing. After all, having only one kind of window blind throughout a home simply makes it easy to keep a uniform and consistent interior design. Try it out for yourself and see the transformative effects of faux wood blinds!

Are you looking for faux wood shutters in Nuneaton? Shady Blinds is here to offer you custom window blinds for your home. Book your appointment with us today!